Article No – AG22230001 Hello everyone!In this Article post, I would like to guide you to use MicroLogix 1400 PLC to control PowerFlex4M AC Drive. Step-1 Micrologix 1400 & PowerFlex 4M “Wiring Diagram” Step-2 PowerFlex4M Communication: In order for the VFD to be controlled via “Modbus-RTU” communication, we need to configure the following minimum parameters: Step-3 Register Control Address Note: MicroLogix 1400 Address = “VFD Address (Dec) + 1“>>> Motor Control Address = 8192 (Dec) + 1 = 8193+ Set Word 8193 = 8 : Reset VFD= 18 : Forward Run = 34 : Reverse Run= 1 : Stop>>> Motor Frequency Reference Address = 8193 (Dec) + 1 = 8194 Step-4 MicroLogix 1400 Modbus RTU Settings + Channel Settings Step-5 PLC Logic: References >>> Download MicroLogix 1400 Manual PDF >>> Download PowerFlex 4M VFD Manual PDF Please comment and share the article to the community if you find it useful.Subscribe to Website and YouTube channel to read the latest articles of Ageinautomation.comThanks and Best Regards!